Malicious Software and Hardware in Internet of Things
May 9, 2023, Bologna, Italy
Workshop Program
14:45-16:15 Main Session |
A Multithread AES Accelerator for Cyber-Physical Systems (Full paper, 27') |
Francesco Ratto, Luigi Raffo and Francesca Palumbo |
Energy Consumption Evaluation of Post-Quantum TLS 1.3 for Resource-Constrained Embedded Devices (Full paper, 27') |
George Tasopoulos, Charis Dimopoulos, Apostolos P. Fournaris, Raymond K. Zhao, Amin Sakzad and Ron Steinfeld |
Yes we CAN! Towards bringing security to legacy-restricted Controller Area Networks (Full paper, 27') |
Wouter Hellemans, Md Masoom Rabbani, Bart Preneel and Nele Mentens |
New Seed Set Selection Method of the Scalable Method for Constructing Phylogenetic Trees (Work in Progress 9') |
Tianxiang He, Chansu Han, Akira Tanaka, Takeshi Takahashi and Jun'Ichi Takeuchi |
16:45 - 17:45 Panel |
16:45-17:45 |
Responsible computing |
Moderator: Paolo Palmieri (University College Cork) and Francesco Regazzoni (University of Amsterdam and Università della Svizzera italiana) |
Panelists: Dr. Paola Grosso (Univeristy of Amsterdam), Prof. Maurizio Mancini (Università la Sapienza), Prof. Luca Calderoni (Università di Bologna), Dr. Vincent Grosso (CRCN CNRS/ Hubert Curien Laboratory, Université Jean Monnet) |
The advent of advanced AI technologies, the Internet of Things and pervasive computing have made a discussion on the ethical and societal implications of computing and information technology more urgent than ever. How can we develop technologies responsibly, maximizing the societal benefits and minimizing any adverse effect? In this panel, we will explore the concept of responsible computing, and hear from experts in different domains of computer science what "responsible" means in their field.